Jeff conducts evaluations and temperament tests for owners, shelters and rescues who are looking to get an in depth summary of a dog's behavior. Jeff also conducts such tests for legal cases as well and has been a certified witness. Jeff also conducts workshops and teaches rescues and shelters how to properly conduct evaluations.
Temperament Tests/Evaluations: $750 (includes full written report with video). [discounts for rescues]
For a copy of Jeff's CV, visit the about page.
2022-2023 Rates for Litigation/Legal/Civil
Dog Evaluations - $750 (includes full written report with video) [travel additional]
Review of legal documents - $250 retainer required
- $500 for the first 250 pages. $.50 per page thereafter
- $150 per one hour of video analysis ( video submitted by third party)
- Pretrial preparation included at no charge (unlimited phone call/email correspondence).
Telephone or other remote/virtual testimony and/or deposition - $150/hr
Courtroom/In person Testimony and/or interview or deposition - $500 1st day, $250 each subsequent day
Travel: Driving - federal mileage rate plus tolls (round trip), air/hotel is also additional
Dog Evaluations - $750 (includes full written report with video) [travel additional]
Review of legal documents - $250 retainer required
- $500 for the first 250 pages. $.50 per page thereafter
- $150 per one hour of video analysis ( video submitted by third party)
- Pretrial preparation included at no charge (unlimited phone call/email correspondence).
Telephone or other remote/virtual testimony and/or deposition - $150/hr
Courtroom/In person Testimony and/or interview or deposition - $500 1st day, $250 each subsequent day
Travel: Driving - federal mileage rate plus tolls (round trip), air/hotel is also additional
Below are some sample videos of Jeff in action.....
Below are sample written reports from actual evaluations conducted by Jeff.